For Psychology Students, there are 4 main areas:
- Research Psychology
- Psychiatry,Clinical Psychology, Counselling Psychology and School Psychology
- Applied Psychology
- Various "Other" Careers
For those who think there are just 2 psych careers: The APA Graduate Studies Index:
Adolescence and Youth - Adult development - Aging - Applied - Applied Development - Applied Social - Art Therapy - Behavior Therapy - Behavioral Analysis - Behavioral genetics - Behavioral medicine - Behavioral neuroscience - Behavioral science - Behavioral science - applied - Child Development - Child psychology - Clinical - Clinical Assessment - Clinical neuropsychology - Clinical respecialization - Clinical-child - Clinical-community - Clinical-school - Cognitive - College Counseling - College Counseling and administration - College teaching - Community - Community rehabilitation counseling - Community-clinical - Community-school - Comparative - Computer applications - Conditioning - Consulting psychology - Consumer - Counseling - Counseling and guidance - counseling-colleges and universities - counseling-elementary school - counseling-secondary school - curriculum and instruction - developmental - developmental-comparative - Ecological - Educational - Educational measurement - Educational research and evaluation - Engineering - Environmental - Experimental psychopathology - Experimental-animal behavior - Experimental-general - Forensic - General - Heath Psychology - History and systems - Human development and family studies - Human factors - Human relations - Human services administration - Human sexuality - Humanistics - Industrial/organizational - Law and psychology - Learning - Learning-animal - learning-human - life-span development - Marriage and family - Marriage and family Therapy - Mental Health - Mental retardation - Minority mental health - Neuropsychology - neuroscience - Organizational - Other - Pastoral counseling - pediatric - personality - Personal and guidance - Phenomenological - Physiological - Preclinical - Primate Behavior - Professional - Program evaluation - Psychobiology - Psycholinguistics - Psychological assessment - Psychology of women - Psychometrics - Psychopharmacology - Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis - public policy - Quantitative - Reading - Rehabilitation - Research methodology - School - Sensation and perception - Social - Sociocultural perspectives - Special education - Sports - Statistics - Substance abuse - Supervision
Psychology as an undergraduate discipline does not limit your selection of possible careers, as nearly any career dealing with people is an option given the neccessary training. Not all psych students do nor want to become "psychologists with patients on couches", on the other hand some psych students choose that path. Below is the collection of careers I have compiled with help from fellow students.